Principal’s Welcome
Being a Principal of a senior college is an extremely rewarding job. Eastern Goldfields College is an Independent Public School which caters for Years 11 and 12, with around 600 students with a teaching staff of about 55 teachers plus ancillary staff. Our students and staff are co-located with Goldfields Institute of Technology and Curtin University Kalgoorlie.
Students are able to access University, TAFE, apprenticeship, traineeship and employment pathways as they complete their senior schooling years. We aim to move students successfully into further education and training and/or employment and have them recognised as responsible and respectful ambassadors for the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and beyond.
We exist within a unique and diverse educational domain where students are encouraged to converse and conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner. We value a strong work ethic that is underpinned by a desire for life-long learning and we build relationships with the wider community by developing shared values and expectations.
The Eastern Goldfields name has long been associated with secondary education in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and surrounds and brings with it a great deal of tradition. While we draw on the lessons of the past, we look forward to future challenges and achievements.
I am proud to be the Principal of Eastern Goldfields College and look forward to continuing to work towards making sure that each of our students achieves their goals.
Dan McCormack

EGC Location
Kalgoorlie-Boulder, is an inland city in Western Australia with a population of more than thirty thousand people and is the centre of a large mining and pastoral region.
The city is the regional centre of the Goldfields and has modern shopping complexes, a hospital, government and non-government primary and secondary schools, cinemas, sporting facilities, service clubs and all other community facilities expected in a metropolitan area. The climate is classified ‘semi arid’: winters can be cold and summers are hot, but air conditioning is widespread throughout the city.
The College shares facilities with Curtin University Kalgoorlie, comprising of Goldfields Institute of Technology (GIOT), Centre for Regional education (CRE) and the WA School of Mines (WASM). The school has a modern ‘Hub’ building which houses administration and student facilities. The school’s excellent teaching resources and facilities are supported by reticulated technology throughout the campus. The campus provides students with an adult learning environment with industry standard facilities. On average the student population for the senior school is 650.