
Dress Code

Students are reminded that Eastern Goldfields College is their work place and at all times they should be clean, neatly dressed and well groomed. The College colours are navy blue and white. College shirts are available from the Green Door Gallery Brookman Street Kalgoorlie. Bottoms are plain blue or black.

Tops that are sleeveless, collarless or too tight, ‘surf’ shorts or tops, tops or bottoms with any logos, are all unacceptable. ‘Street’ wear, ‘rapper’ gear, camouflage, or excessively baggy bottoms do not conform to the College Dress Code.

Footwear needs to be enclosed. Ugg boots, thongs, masseur sandals and similar footwear must not be worn and will lead to exclusion from some practical classes.

Hats, caps, bandanas and beanies need to be removed when indoors.

Dress for specialist classes:

Food/Catering classes black leather shoes, chef’s jacket and hat and black or black and white chequered pants.
Physical Education change of clothing for sport.
Dance change of clothing for practical sessions.
Trades steel capped boots and safety glasses.

Code of Conduct

Students have the right to

  • Learn in a purposeful, supportive and inclusive environment
  • Learn in a safe, secure, friendly and clean environment.
  • Respect, courtesy and honesty
  • Cooperation and support from teachers and other students

Students have the responsibility to

  • Model respectful, courteous and honest behaviour
  • Be inclusive of others
  • Ensure that their behaviour is not disruptive to the learning of others
  • Ensure that they are punctual, polite, prepared and display a positive attitude
  • Behave in a way that protects the safety and wellbeing of others
  • Make teachers aware of any challenges or problems they are experiencing
  • Follow instructions
  • Respect possessions, property and the college environment
  • Strive for personal best

Assessment Policy

Our vision is for the students at Eastern Goldfields College to achieve high academic, vocational and social standards by fully embracing the learning opportunities within a unique educational domain. The aim of the College Assessment Policy is to encourage students to engage in the academic rigor that Eastern Goldfields College values.

It is designed to ensure fairness for all students in the assessment process and promote a responsible work ethic in which students are accountable for their own achievement. The College will provide students with a number of opportunities to complete assessment work and if the student chooses not to make the most of these opportunities they will be at risk of not achieving their full academic potential.

The guidelines that follow will be upheld by all staff to ensure continuity across the entire College and promote the Principles of Assessment outlined by the Curriculum Council.

Student responsibilities

It is the student’s responsibility to:

  • complete all course or subject requirements by the due date.
  • maintain an assessment file for each course or subject studied and to
  • make it available whenever require.
  • maintain a good record of attendance, conduct and progress (a student who is absent from a class for five lessons or more per term is deemed to be ‘at risk’ of not completing the course unit or subject requirements).
  • initiate contact with teachers concerning absence from class, missed in-class assessment tasks, requests for extension of the due date for out-of-class assessment tasks and other issues pertaining to assessment.

Where a student is likely to experience difficulty meeting a deadline they must discuss the matter with the teacher at the earliest opportunity before the due date.

If a student does not submit an assessment task or attend a scheduled in-class assessment task, the teacher will contact the parent/guardian to discuss the risk of the student not completing the course unit/subject and to negotiate a solution.

Acceptable reasons for non-submission or non-completion

The penalty for non-submission or non-completion will be waived if the student provides a reason acceptable to the college. For example:

  • where sickness, injury or significant personal circumstances for part or all of the period of an out-of-class assessment task prevents completion and submission.
  • where sickness, injury or significant personal circumstances prevents a student attending on the day that an in-class assessment task is scheduled.

2018 Academic Standards Policy (the academic standards policy applies to all students)

Student individual academic success is a priority of teaching and learning at Eastern Goldfields College. All learning programs focus on the successful attainment of academic goals and a student’s successful transition to a preferred pathway at the completion of Year 12.

In order to achieve this outcome, all students in Year 11 are required to achieve the minimum standard of a C Grade (or equivalent) in three courses. A C grade equivalent is achieved in VET courses by the achievement of all units of competence.

Students who do not meet this minimum academic standard will be expected to repeat Year 11 the following year or seek alternative training or employment.

Attendance Policy

Attendance Commitment

Your attendance and participation in class is the key to achievement of success. Studies show that students who attend school regularly are more likely to succeed at school. Aim for 100% attendance. The only acceptable reasons for absences are if you are sick or have a school activity such as an excursion. Work commitments and holidays are not acceptable reasons for being absent from school. If you are going to be absent, see your teachers and your Mentor before your absence to collect work to ensure that you keep up with your coursework and study.

Attendance is completed electronically by the subject teachers each day.

Students will present any absentee notes to the Administration Centre (HUB) or the student attendance officer, located in the “sub-hub” in Wilson Street.

  1. Student attendance will be closely monitored by Learning Area teachers, mentor teachers, Year Coordinators and the Deputy Principal.
  2. Any absence must be explained by a parent/guardian or medical certificate.
  3. Full attendance and punctuality is required at all timetabled classes, assemblies, group meetings and compulsory activities.

Each day a text message will be sent to parents’ mobile phones if students have unexplained absences. This ensures quick communication to parents and assists in keeping absences to a minimum.

IT Policy


The use of electronic devices such as mobile phones, IPods and IPhones in the classroom is prohibited.

All electronic devices must be turned off and stored in the students bag during class time.

Failure to comply with this policy will result in the offending electronic device being removed. Repeat offences will be referred to the Deputy Principal for appropriate action.

The recording, distributing or uploading of images or videos of students, parents or staff on school premises without the permission of the Principal is prohibited.

Students found to be involved in recording, distributing or uploading inappropriate images or videos will be suspended immediately.


The computer network at EGC is available for student use to enhance learning. Internet access is provided and encouraged. All students have access to computer facilities for online learning. However, students have a responsibility to use the facilities in an appropriate manner.

1. Students using the computing facilities at EGC must

  • Log on using their own username and password.
  • Use the computer network for college projects and appropriate purposes as determined by the supervising teacher.
  • Report malfunctions or faults with the computer to their supervising teacher.
  • Ensure that the computer equipment is appropriately cared for.
  • Maintain sufficient printing balance to print assessments as required by their teacher.

2. Students using the computing facilities at EGC must

  • NOT use anyone else’s account but their own.
  • NOT download, create or save any program.
  • NOT play any form of games.
  • NOT use the system for storage of copyright protected audio and video material.
  • NOT alter any settings on the computer (including screen savers and wallpaper).
  • NOT have food or drink in the areas that contain computing equipment.

3. Students accessing the internet through the EGC network

  • Should use the internet only with the approval of a teacher.
  • Must not use the internet to access violent or pornographic publishing or other sites deemed inappropriate by the College.
  • Must not access chat sites, or other sites that link students to unauthorized individuals outside the College.
  • Must not download any programs from the internet (including screen savers or wallpaper).
  • Should make any search as efficient as possible.
  • Must not use the College’s computing facilities for any unlawful purposes.

Breaches of the Student ICT and DET Online Services Agreement:

  • First time offenders may have their user accounts disabled for a period `of one week. These accounts will be automatically reinstated after this period.
  • Serial offenders may have their user accounts disabled for up to four weeks. Repeat offenders need to make an appointment with the relevant Deputy Principal to get their computer privileges reinstated.
  • The teacher reporting the incident will record all relevant details on SIS and report the student/s to the nominated IT staff member to notify the front office for a letter of concern to be sent home, signed by the IT coordinator.
  • Students’ names will also be recorded on the ‘Banned Students Register’. These guidelines encompass the acceptable usage agreement for all College students. Copyright must be adhered to as stated in DET and National Policy Guidelines.

Email is provided for educational purposes. Use of the system to send spam or as a chat facility will result in restriction of access within the system. Wilful damage of any computing hardware may result in police involvement.

Section 85ZE of the Commonwealth Crimes Act states that a person shall not knowingly or recklessly:

  1. Use a telecommunication service supplied by a carrier to menace or harass another person; or
  2. Use a telecommunication service supplied by a carrier in such a way as would be regarded by reasonable persons as being, in all circumstances, offensive.