Student Services

Student Services Team

The Student Service Centre has been set up to provide assistance for students who may be experiencing academic,  social, emotional or health concerns. Student Services provides individual support to students and individualised plans are developed when needed. It can provide advocacy for students helping to manage barriers to their success. At all times the goal of Student Services is to provide pro-active pastoral care that supports in their academic endeavours.

The team consists of Progam Coordinator Student Services, Year Coordinators, Student Coordinator, School Psychologists, Community Nurse, Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers – AIEOs, Attendance Officer, School Support Officer, Education Assistant and both Deputies.

Our team is here to help provide support to everyone – students, parents, guardians, staff and anyone within the school community needing assistance with any issue or question that may arise. We want to make your students life at Eastern Goldfields College a smooth and wonderful experience and to provide the necessary support that is needed for them to succeed.