What is GENERAL Mathematics Foundations all about?
Mathematics Foundation is a General course which focuses on building the capacity, confidence and disposition to use mathematics to meet the numeracy standard for the WACE. It provides students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems across a range of contexts, including personal, community and workplace/employment. This course provides the opportunity for students to prepare for post-school options of employment and further training.
Who should select these units in Year 11?
Students who have not demonstrated the minimum standard in the numeracy component of the OLNA are eligible to enrol in the Mathematics Foundation
This course provides the opportunity for students to prepare for post-school options of employment and further training.
Course Code : FEMAT
Areas of Study
This unit provides students with the mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills to solve problems relating to addition and subtraction, length, mass, capacity and time. It involves the extraction of information from, and the interpretation of, various simple forms of data representation used in everyday contexts. The number formats in Unit 1 are whole numbers and money.
This unit provides students with the mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills relating to fractions and decimals to solve problems relating to multiplication and division, perimeter, area and volume and qualitative probability from everyday contexts. The number formats in Unit 2 are whole numbers, money, fractions and decimals.
To provide for different learning styles a variety of assessment tasks are used. For each course of study tasks are selected from:
- Response (Tests)
- Investigations (Practical Applications)
Mathematics Foundation is a General course which focuses on building the capacity, confidence and disposition to use mathematics to meet the numeracy standard for the WACE. It provides students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems across a range of contexts including personal, community and workplace/employment. This course provides the opportunity for students to prepare for post‐school options of employment and further training.
Who should select these units in Year 12?
Students who have not demonstrated the minimum standard in the numeracy component of the OLNA are eligible to enrol in the Mathematics Foundation course
This course provides the opportunity for students to prepare for post-school options of employment and further training.
Areas of Study
Unit 3
This unit provides students with the mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills relating to percentages and the link to fractions and decimals and the solving of problems relating to the four operations using whole number, fractions and decimals. Location, time and temperature, and shape and its relationship to design, are also covered in this unit.
Unit 4
This unit provides students with the mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills relating to rates and ratios, and the connection between statistics and probability. The collection of mathematical concepts and thinking processes encountered in this and previous units culminates in the solving of comprehensive real life problems encountered in personal, workplace and community contexts.
To provide for different learning styles a variety of assessment tasks are used. For each course of study tasks are selected from:
- Response (Tests)
- Investigations (Practical Applications)