What is GENERAL English as an Additional Language/Dialect all about?
This course focuses on the written and verbal structure of the English language as it relates to Standard Australian English (SAE). This is addressed through cross-cultural perspectives which will compare living in Australia to your country. Semester Two will contrast life experiences from Australia with those of other countries.
Who should select these units in Year 11?
- Students who select this course have not studied English as a first language.
- Students who have migrated to Australia and did not arrive more than seven years ago.
- Students who wish to complete a WACE certificate with a view to employment or further studies at TAFE and who wish to improve their written and verbal skills to improve their chances of employability.
On completion of Units 1 and 2, there is the option of moving into Units 3 and 4 in Year 12, or getting an apprenticeship, studying full time at TAFE or being employed elsewhere.
Areas of Study
UNIT 1 – Cross-Cultural Perspectives
- status of people: sporting heroes – rights and obligations to the wider community; people of significance in my culture; performing and visual artists
- family structures/living arrangements: nuclear/extended/blended/single; attitudes towards different family structures
UNIT 2 – Life Experiences
- leisure and entertainment: the importance of music to a cultural way of life; story telling through art and music, dance and art forms; the impact of technology on leisure and entertainment
- self-image, fashion and cultural conceptions of beauty: how the media uses language, sound and visual techniques to present a certain image
To provide for different learning styles a variety of assessment tasks are used. For each course of study tasks are selected from:
- research and presentation on culture and life experiences of home country through visual productions, i.e. well-known tourist destination, cultural dish
- written texts that engage a person of interest, i.e. magazine interview
- written texts to advertise themselves, i.e. resume and covering letter
- written texts to demonstrate grammar usage, i.e. short story, mind map
- spoken texts about a topic of interest, i.e. famous person from home country
- production texts about Australia or text studied, i.e. news report, comprehensions
- journal activities relevant to each text both contextual and grammar practise.
What is GENERAL English as an Additional Language/Dialect Course all about?
This course explores how learning in and through English language influences their own and others’ personal social and cultural identities. It provides opportunities to engage with a broad range of texts relating to attitudes, issues and identities in Semester One and Society and Community Engagement in Semester Two.
Who should select these units in Year 12?
- Students who selected this course have not studied English as a first language.
- Students who migrated to Australia and did not arrive more than seven years ago.
- Students who completed the Year 11, units 1 and 2.
- Students who wish to complete a WACE certificate.
On completion there is employment or further studies at TAFE.
Areas of Study
UNIT 3 – Attitudes, Issues and Identity
- Significant places: cultural conceptions of land and ownership, sights of cultural significance.
- Tradition and identity: traditions relating to rituals, customs, celebrations, maintaining identity
UNIT 4 – Society and Community Engagement
- Global issues: human rights, international aid
- Workplace and employment: conflict resolution, occupational health and safety
To provide for different learning styles a variety of assessment tasks are used. For each course of study tasks are selected from:
- research and presentation on attitudes and identities through visual productions, i.e. well-known tourist destination, study and work stress brochure.
- written texts that engage a person of interest, i.e. film review
- written texts to express an opinion, i.e. letter of complaint
- written texts to demonstrate grammar usage, i.e. essay
- spoken texts about a topic of interest, i.e. global issue, contrasting cultures
- production texts about Australia or text studied, i.e. comprehensions